our true selves.

October 5th, 2009

our true selves.


October 5th, 2009

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Hi, I'm Kate and I'm an RP addict... Uh, I mean, hey guys, I have a new character! Yay!

This is Nina Kohl, the reincarnation of Jo March from Little Women. Nina is the Deputy Director of Security for the Agency. Some things in her past made her very devoted to the Agency and she's been working there for a long time, although she's only been in her current job for about a year. She's also got a brand new boss who needs a lot of things explained to him, so it's a good thing she's patient. She is very patient, and extremely kind and caring. She'd want to help and protect absolutely everyone if she could - it's something of an obsession.

Other important information: she's from Germany, but she lives in London now. She's 30, single, and likes other girls. She takes her job very seriously, but it's not too hard to convince her to have a little fun too. She has very strong opinions about not taking sides in the reincarnate war, and has a bit of a grudge against Camelot, so don't expect her to sympathize with the so-called good guys.

All her info can be found here. Since I'm following a string of new arrivals I'm going to link to the Insta-Friends Button for your convenience! If you run it, her first post should show up on your friends page, along with everyone else's. Amazing!

Anyway, if you want to plot or chat or anything you can find me on aim at improbablekate
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