our true selves.

September 10th, 2009

our true selves.


September 10th, 2009

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This was mentioned in the group chat and it's been on the calender for ages, but I figured it would be a good time to actually announce it.

We're planning on doing an in character secrets event, using the same format as roleplay secrets, fandom secrets and livejournal secrets. You make a secret in character, submit it and then we'll post them all on the 26th.

There are a couple of rules regarding this plot;

1) Don't use this as an anonymous way to vent OOC feelings.
2) The maximum number of secrets you can submit is the same as the amount of characters you have. If you have three characters, it's three secrets and if it's ten characters then it's ten secrets.
3) You don't have to do one secret per character. You can do them all from the same character if you want to.
4) Yes, you do need to make images for the secrets, but we're not expecting brilliant pieces of work. As long as the text is readable, it's fine. Good sites for generic images are: getty images and flickr. Although images can be text only, or involve a picture of who the secret is about.

The submission post will go up on the 19th September, and the secrets will get posted on the 26th September.

If there are any questions about this then please ask away.
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