our true selves.

August 27th, 2009

our true selves.


August 27th, 2009

Illness plot update!

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At the moment the plot will be taking place from the 7th-13th September. If this is going to be a huge problem for anyone then please let us know now so that we can possibly make arrangements for it to happen later.

We currently have a list of symptoms and we have someone making it (and a cure) for CORE. Ideally we'd also like to have someone working on a cure for Camelot (or the Agency) too, although if there aren't any volunteers then we can just hand-wave it as NPC's doing the work. We'd just rather have characters involved if we can do!

We're also thinking about having it effect New York, LA and London. However, if there's a lot of interest having it happen in another city we will add it to the list.

In terms of the actual illness, there are four stages to it. How close a person is to the initial disperse will effect how sick they get, along with any pre-existing conditions that might effect an immune system. Right now we haven't decided how long it takes to get through the stages or how contagious it is.

Symptoms )

The plot is voluntary and there will be a post nearer the time to clear up some details. If there's anything you want to know then please just ask!
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