our true selves.

August 16th, 2009

our true selves.


August 16th, 2009

Meme time!

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So this was supposed to go up yesterday, but I've had a bit of an insane week and I forgot. So it's going up now! Hooray!

The usual rules apply. Answer peoples comments in character, but don't take the knowledge IC without permission. Apart from that, feel free to use the information however you want, for plotting or whatever.

Today's meme topic is: List at least three things that your character does that they wouldn't admit to.

Do they spend three hours in the bathroom every morning? Do they have secret fantasies of killing people? Do they volunteer at a local animal shelter? Listen to country music?

You get the idea, I hope! If you have any questions then ask, if not then just go nuts!


- Katy
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