our true selves.

August 14th, 2009

our true selves.


August 14th, 2009

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I have to apologise for being pretty much AWOL/MIA this past week. Two weeks, really. Work is great, I'm so glad to be back in the routine, but getting up early is hard on this night owl, and the heat is just oppressive, and those two factors alone have me all out of whack, and I haven't been able to keep up with the game, or any of my RP responsibilities.

Good news is, the first week of school is behind me, and I'm getting settled in to the schedule of bed by midnight, up by 6:30, which means I should be getting back into the groove of RP. Im going to post and play all four of my kids this weekend, and if anyone would like to consider CR with any of them, info can be found here, at my CDJ.

I really want to get them all more involved and whatnot.
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