our true selves.

August 11th, 2009

our true selves.


August 11th, 2009

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Anyone want to have found Lucinda about four years ago when she was stabbed, pushed out of a window into the river? Y'know.. taken her, nursed her back to health or some crap like that.

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Hey! Ruby here. I introduce to you Caprice Turner, aka Fox from Wanted. She kind of grew up in the ghetto, two older brothers (totally down if someone wants to play them), was part of a gang, killed the head and left about two years ago. She's kind of a badass, doesn't really care for anything in particular. She's a bartender at a Sports Grill and Bar in NYC, itching to shoot someone but, you know, people don't usually do that. Not antisocial or anything, she's laid back and can get along with almost anyway if they aren't annoying or overly chatty.

She technically hasn't been introduced to the reincarnate world, though she has it figured out kinda. She's going to be introduced in the FUTURE world first, as a top ranking CORE member, then introduced to the "present" world later when the future plot ends, clueless about how she ends up. It'll be fun. :D

I'm up for plot, like always, let me know! Add me!

It's Nevviebottom!

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Well, I got pulled in to the HP madness. Ha! Actually Neville's been brewing for a little bit. This is him! Jack Bell! That's right, Matilda Martin's ex-sleaze bag. He's got Neville Longbottom in his cranium, how much fun is that?

Need to talk to the big gals upstairs (aka zee mods) about whether he'll be in the future or not. Thinking he got offed not long after he killed Mattie (what is it with me and killing my critters?). So, yay! There is more info here - dude's got tats, man!

Oh, this is Nels, by the by.
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