our true selves.

August 8th, 2009

our true selves.


August 8th, 2009

State Of Misha's Pups

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When it became apparent Colleen would have to pull out, she and I discussed the future of my pups who are tied in with hers. Combined with the fact I've just started back to work after having the summer off, and my focus is considerably lower as work and sleep are my priorities, I've decided to make a few drops as well.

State of the pups, ignore if you wish )

That leaves me with just [info]zenishmango, [info]dmulligan, [info]righthand_man, and [info]parkerpwhitley. Parker will of course be looking after Dom, in Bedlam, and if any pups ever feel inclined to ask about Dom, Parker would be able to give them the most current update. He will likely become more melancholy, and I'm considering the possibility of having him quit his job with The Agency.

In any case, I am slow to tag, these days as I'm adjusting to the work schedule again. 6am is a brutal wake up call, let me tell you, but I'm happy to have a job that I love, so I can't really complain.

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Hey! Beth here, bringing in Elspeth Brown. Elspeth is a former medieval scholar, but after she finished up her first Masters she realized that a professor's life was not for her. So, she went back to school for a library science Masters and now she's the Medieval & Renaissance subject librarian at UCLA.

Elspeth is defensive and prickly when she feels uncomfortable, and since she got her reincarnate she's uncomfortable pretty much all of the time, so. I apologize in advance if she overreacts! She, uh. Does that a lot. She just wants a normal life - job, boyfriend, weekends and a pet dog - but it's becoming harder for her because:

Her reincarnate is Castiel from Supernatural, and he has other plans. It's not that they don't get along, it's that he's clearly not human and he scares the daylights out of her. He's fairly respectful of her space and her body, but he wants what he wants and she learned pretty quickly that she's better off giving it to him when he says it's urgent. More information can be found in her profile.

At the moment she hasn't picked a side for the war, though 'hey, there are major hostilities starting up again' was part of her welcome speech and she's fully aware that people are drawing battle lines. She wants to stay out of it. Poor, naive girl.

Anyway! Plot is welcome by either IM, email, or comments.

[Edit] And the first entry is up!

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Plot recapp. 25th July-8th August )

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Hello, lovely people!

I just want to remind you all that we will be working on that Gossip Post soon, so if you have any last minute, juicy gossip for your characters -- or even if you'd like to just stir up some trouble -- before we get to that please submit it here.

Thank you! :)
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