our true selves.

August 1st, 2009

our true selves.


August 1st, 2009

Meme time!

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It's that time of week again! Meme time!

This time I want you to list at least three of your characters favourite things. Their favourite food, song, movie, outfit, sexual position or even day of the week! Please resond in character and go as wild with it as you like and feel free to respond to others in character!

Remember, don't take any of this information in character unless you have permission.

Now have fun!


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As well as the Agency page, we've now done a Camelot page!. If there's anything on either page that you want clarifying or if there's something we haven't covered that you're curious about then please ask. Also, if you have a character you want involved with either the Agency (I know there's at least one) or Camelot that aren't listed then please let us know about that too!

In fact, if you have a character who's been a reincarnate for more than six months and might have been involved with Camelot in one way or another you can have them already be a member. If you have a character that could have been involved and could now work as a project leader, or a trainer that would also be amazing. We'll be NPCing them until then, but having them played would win.

Other things not to forget are the mod post because if you're not on hiatus then you'll get an official warning for not responding to it, and the meme. You won't get a warning or anything from not taking part in the meme, it's just supposed to be fun!

ETA: We're also going to plan to have monthly group chats on the last Saturday of the month, starting from the end of August. Time wise we're thinking of starting them at 5pm EST, which is 10pm GMT in order to account for time differences as much as possible. If this time is going to be a problem for you then let us know. We'd rather know now than just before we start them!

- The mods.

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Two mod posts in one evening. I bet you think we're going a little crazy with them, and I'll admit that you're probably right but this is important so I wanted to give it a separate post.

We've just created [info]ourtruenpc. This is an NPC journal that we will be using to post gossip, propaganda posters, and any narrative's written for NPC's. This journal should hopefully give the game more depth, but for it to be successful we're going to need your help.

We want you to create propaganda posters that are pro Camelot, pro Agency and pro CORE. Paint the other sides badly, paint your sides really well, come up with slogans and then E-Mail them to us. If you're not very good with graphics but have an idea then you could E-Mail that to us and we'll try and knock something up with it. Once the propaganda posters are posted then feel free to graffiti them, remember these will be put up around major cities and it would make sense for people to go around scribbling their perspective on them. Deface them, draw little devil horns on them, or just spray paint over the whole thing.

For NPC narratives, we will occasionally ask for them in advance if we have a specific plot coming up. If you volunteer then once you've written the narrative we'll post it via the NPC journal. If you get an idea for an NPC narrative (showing the effects of a specific plot maybe, or you just want to write something random showing the effects of the war on a poor little reincarnate) then pitch the idea to us first, if we give it the okay then do the same thing, write it up and E-Mail it to us.

For the gossip, we stick up a screened post once every two weeks and if you submit your gossip then we'll take it and write it all up for you.

This might be a mod project, but without your help it won't go anywhere. We'll also try to stop spamming you for today.

- The Mods.
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