our true selves.

July 28th, 2009

our true selves.


July 28th, 2009

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Misha here, back from the dark void of computer issues, and ready to get back to play. Just in time to go back to work next week, so I'm trying to cut back on my nighttime hours, and get up just a little bit earlier. It sucks, but the early wake up call is really the only thing I'm dreading about going back to work so it's all good.

The real reason for this post is to intro my new guy. Meet Micah Lancaster, a cop from LA. He prefers the night shift, and he picks up security jobs when he's not working because he hates to sit home alone. Of course, he's never alone. He has the lovely not-so evil evil Lindsey McDonald in his head, to keep him company.

He's got a wee little potential plot with Elsa/Fred, and with a potential partner on the force coming in, but he's pretty much wide open. And available, for all your law enforcement needs in LA.

Make sure to friend him, as I like to keep my journals FLocked, and he will be posting soon!
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