our true selves.

July 26th, 2009

our true selves.


July 26th, 2009

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Hello! I'm Ruby and I bring to you Krystelle Deroux, reincarnate of Barbara Gordon. She's been an average girl all her life with a mother who pushed her to become a doctor and a kind-of-there-but-not-really architect/business man of a father. With her photographic memory she graduated from high school two years early and just graduated from UCLA, Pre-Med. Her passion is arts though the fact that she has a photographic memory just makes her that much more suitable to be a doctor. Krys has lived a very privileged life, rich French father and a studious and driven mother.

As of now, turning twenty relatively soon, living at her apartment in LA, and has an acceptance letter from Harvard Med, which she really doesn't want to go to. She's not socially awkward or anything, just on the quieter side of things! Her mind is a mess though, attempting to balance out the determined Barbara Gordon with her submissive personality.

I'd love to plotplotplot! I can also be reached at daretochase via aim or @gmail.com! I look forward to RPing with everyone. ♥

P.S. Here's a link to the friend all button, just to make life just a bit easier. (:

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Hey guys, it's Bella! I bring you a new character, and possibly my new favorite: Mina Viresh, the reincarnate of Indiana Jones (she calls him Henry, though, because "Indiana" is a ridiculous nickname). She's originally from India, but she moved to LA when she was a teenager and went to UCLA, eventually graduating with a (useless) degree in Spanish & Portuguese. Nowadays, she works at a record store called Mania Music and is only adventurous purely by accident.

You can read more about her in her profile - I'm about to do her intro post, even though I should be going to bed, lol. :)

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The following characters need to become active by the next activity check (9th August) or they will be removed. Please remember that activity is either a journal post or being involved in a thread in either [info]ourtrueselves or [info]ourtruecomms. If you need a hiatus then please go here to request one, and if you have any questions then please contact the mods.

If you're on either list and you have reached activity requirements then please reply to this post with a link and we'll edit accordingly.


Willem Marquis
James Chadbourn
Mark Warwick
Maxwell Cooper
Esther Shelton
David Roberts
Kieran Duncan
Kent Caldwell
Laura Meyhew
Leo Martinez
Caroline 'Cairo' Harvey
Christer Blake
Tracy Adkins
Adeline Sutton
Alexander Churchill
Skylar O'Connor
Jeremy Gates


Bryn Skyler
Delilah Sterling
Tammy Riley
Darla Welsh

Upcoming Birthdays:


31st - Birthday - Claudia Walker (1985 | 23)


1st - Birthday - Adam Saxondale (1983 | 25)
1st - Birthday - Parker Smith (1983 | 25)
8th - Birthday - Lee James (1991 | 17)


Tomorrow (Monday 27th July) the following things will happen:

There's going to be a group chat at 4pm Central Time/5pm EST/10PM GMT. We hope you can all make it, if you're not there for the start then just let us know when you arrive and we'll invite you in!

There will be a huge mod post that you will all need to read. It's very important.

The winners of the awards will be announced, along with pretty graphics!

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Hi there! Kate here, back with a new character. This is Greg Everett. He's a surly, bitter mechanic with trust issues, but, deep down, a heard of gold. Probably. He lives in New Orleans, and he's only been aware of someone else in his head for a few months. He's coping with it pretty well though, and was recently contacted by the agency for all the usual explanations.

Greg is the reincarnate of Kaylee Frye from Firefly/Serenity. She's... a lot nicer than he is. She's been a good influence on him though. It's hard not to like that girl.

Looking forward to playing with all of you more, and lots of plot. His profile is here and his first post is up here. As always you can find me on AIM at improbablekate.
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