our true selves.

July 19th, 2009

our true selves.


July 19th, 2009

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Hey gang!

As you all know, your modly team of modlyness has been a bit frazzled (to put it mildly) so in order to keep up moral of both your lovely mods and to do something fun I propose a meme!

List at least three things your character wants to do before they die.

They can be big things, or small things. Go as wacky or as sane as you want to.

The rules are:

1) List at least three things.
2) Be imaginative.
4) Remember that this is meta so don't take the knowledge into the actual game without permission.
5) Have fun!

OTS Awards

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Voting in the awards will end at midnight tonight British time (+5 hours EST).

We're both very disappointed in the turn out, as there have only been EIGHT responses. To put that in context, there are twenty six players. This is making us rethink some things we had coming up as we do not actually like nagging everyone to do something. Nor do we like telling you all how disappointed we are. We are not your parents or teachers and we have no desire to be, or to act like we are. In situations like this though, it's very difficult not to be frustrated.

However, we're attempting to take a deep breath and move on. As a result we'll be using the votes that have already been cast to form nominations and from midnight tonight there will be a new post for you to vote on. You'll pick one nomination from each category, and there will obviously be explanations and rules posted along with the nominations. This is because we hope the reason why so few people have voted is due to being unsure about who to vote for or not knowing enough of the characters in the game in order to place an informed decision. This post will only remain open until Wednesday. After that we'll just go with what we've got and if you don't like the results and you didn't vote then we'd prefer it if you kept your complaints to yourself.
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