our true selves.

July 13th, 2009

our true selves.


July 13th, 2009

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Hiyah all, it's Leigh again with my second character. I am bringing you Disney's Snow White reincarnated as the f'mazing Eric Zimmerman, although he much prefers to just go by Estrada. There's quite a lovely little story behind that nickname involving his roommate David (yep, the lovely [info]asuwish), quite a bit of alcohol and waaay too much time on their hands.

He's a really nice guy, if not a little... not there. Estrada isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he means well. Even with a sweet little prim & proper princess living in his head, you wouldn't really be able to tell it based on outwards appearances. I suck at introductions, so here's where it starts to get disjointed. He's a twenty-eight year old dog walker, because he got sick of Snow complaining that he didn't spent enough time with animals, plus he's the bassist for he and his roomie/bestie's band ReDo. If you've ever been to one of their shows you may know him as the one that makes unplanned bass solos, and/or smashes his instrument... during the middle of a set. He doesn't mind Miss White living in his head, he just wishes she was more into things like beer bongs and good music, as opposed to dwarfs and finding her Prince Charming.

To see his full history go here. And both he and Bea Worme | Amber Sweet | [info]scalpel_slut are looking for any kind of plot, since I've been neglecting doing so lately... but yes. Plot is loved, and always welcomed.

You can reach me at effinayeMANG or t3nt4cl3r4p3 on AIM. I'm always up to talk plot or just complete randomness. :D

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We have now officially reached the ONE HUNDRED character mark.
That now means we all get to party. Spam us with your thoughts, pictures, youtube video's, gifs, or whatever the hell you want to! Go wild! Have fun! And try to ignore me as I squeal like a little girl!


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In celebration of both hitting one hundred characters, and also because we will be open for six months on the 27th July, we're holding OTS awards.

The rules are simple:

1) No voting for yourself. If you do this then your vote will be null and void. You may vote for a moment that happens on your characters journal, as long as you are not involved.
2) If you're voting for a thread/moment please link us to it. Failure to do so will result in us not counting that vote.
3) All comments are screened, and the mods will be the only ones who will know who voted for who so please be honest.
4) This is supposed to be fun, so don't take it too seriously and don't use it to attempt to punish anyone (although we're not to sure how you could).
5) Vote in every category.

Voting will close next Monday (20th July) and the results will be announced the following Monday (27th July).

The categories are:

Most inventive character.
Snarkiest character.
Sweetest Character.
Character you'd hate to meet on a bad day.
Character you'd love to party with.
Character you love to hate.
Most entertaining character.
Best couple.
Best friends.
Most doomed love affair.

Funniest moment/thread.
Most Tear Jerking moment/thread.
Most dramatic moment/thread.
Most romantic moment/thread.
Best overall thread.

Comment Ninja. (To clarify, this is the person who comments the most or has the best responses to entries. They sneak along in the dark and then BAM there's a comment!)
Most Valuable Player.
Most evil to their characters.
Nicest to their characters.
Most creative player.

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I've changed Lucinda's PB to Rose Byrne.

That is all. :D

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Hi everyone! :D I'm Reve. I've been stalking this game for a bit before finally deciding to join. I'm bring Travis Matthews into the. He happens to be the reincarnate of Lobo from DC Comics.

And...I don't really know what else to say. So yeah. Hi.
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