our true selves.

July 7th, 2009

our true selves.


July 7th, 2009

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Hello everyone! I'm new to the game here, so I thought I'd go on and introduce myself. I'm Anne and I'm a giant nerd. Um... that's about as interesting as I get right now.

Anyway, this guy I'm bringing in with me is Kenta Tsukino, but he prefers to go by Ken most of the time. He's the reincarnated form of Daniel "Oz" Osbourne from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and almost nothing like his counterpart. And I mean aside from the fact that he's tall and Japanese instead of short and redheaded.

Well, I have my app in this journal, so feel free to check that out for any info you want to know about him, but you can always just ask me stuff too. Especially if it's something I left out of the app. He's still coming to terms with the fact that he may or may not have someone else in his head aside from himself so he's still not sure what to believe.

Anyway! Yes. My AIM name is TrstMeImThDctr and you can email me at a.regular.decorated.emergency@gmail.com. Please, I encourage people to IM me. I like chatting if nothing else, and I'm always up for plots.


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Hey, guys! It's Bella again, and I have yet another new character for you: Rhett Callahan, 46 years old and the reincarnate of Veronica Mars. Cute, right? He's an English teacher at Oceanside High School, in (you guessed it!) Oceanside, California - which, ironically, is where Veronica Mars was filmed. (NB: I actually didn't plan that when I was writing my app - I just looked for good high schools in San Diego County and randomly picked Oceanside, so it's kind of fate, haha.) He's also divorced with two kids, twins Meg and Miles, and even though he likes Veronica, he sometimes has a hard time living with her - one, because she's a teenage girl, and two, because she won't tell him anything about herself, so he's had to resort to actually watching the show in order to learn anything about her.

Another thing about Rhett: because he's a teacher and a likable guy, a lot of his students come to him about their problems, and since Veronica came along, he's actually started to help his students like Veronica used to help her friends. Because of this, he has an interest in joining the Agency, especially if it means he can help teenagers deal with their reincarnates.

So, all of his information can be found in his profile! I'm real excited for this character. :)

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Oh boy, are all of you guys about to hate me and Sheena.

So. Here's the thing. Sheena and I were talking dynamics and plots and batting ideas around like crazy people and we sorta came to the conclusion that the people we had decided to be in charge of the Good and Bad sides (Parker and Adam) just weren't really working for what we wanted and needed. So we're changing things slightly. Harper Kennedy (Deacon Frost) will be the leader of the bad guys, and Michael Morgan (Prince/King Arthur) will be leading the good guys.

What this means for you guys is... okay, possibly not much. Those who wanted to be recruited to the bad side still will be, but now it will be by both Harper and Adam and it might take a bit longer. We'll try to get it done within a couple of weeks so we're not leaving all of you hanging. Once this is done Adam will officially hand power over to Harper.

In terms of the good guys, now would be an excellent time to let us know who's interested in being recruited. This will also happen over the next few weeks, only Michael doesn't have a list of names, addresses and reincarnate status so they'll probably have to mention being one of the good guys or something in the journals. Or they could approach him or something. We'll figure it all out, I promise!

In terms of what's going to happen to Parker and Adam, well there's going to be a plot in August that will officially take them out of commission. Neither of them had much plot that can't be transferred (I don't think) but if you have questions, comments or just want to tell us off for figuring this out right before we started officially recruiting then go for it!

Oh, and leave a comment if you officially want to be on the good side. Or if you want to remain neutral and join the Agency. Or even if your character wants to be left alone.

Thank you for being patient with us!

- Katy
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