our true selves.

July 2nd, 2009

our true selves.


July 2nd, 2009

Might be hooked?

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Yes, yes, I might be hooked. It's Nels again, and now I've got Al Peabody, who is being influenced by (read sharing a brain/existence with) Padme Amidala.

- Al can't hear Padme.
- Al isn't happy with Padme.
- Al's a 25 yr old grad student at Columbia who happens to be a TA.
- Al doesn't think any of this is crazy because she's had a theory for some time that fiction ideas actually come from somewhere and that the people in those stories are real; she's got a few other theories to explain how all this works because she's special.
- Realized it after I turned in the app, Al's initials are Padme's reversed; that's just a little weird.
- Al's rather opinionated and comes from a big family; she's used to being slightly odd man out.

If you wanna get to know her better ("Come in and know me better, man" - gold star if you can guess the quote), take a peek at her profile.

I'm Batman

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The intros just keep coming!

Kate here with my latest and greatest. This is Joshua Blake, 25 year old MIT grad student and all around nerd. He's an introverted and slightly cynical sort of guy who rambles when he's nervous. And when he's not so nervous.

He's the reincarnate of Terry McGinnis from Batman Beyond. That's right, he might not be Bruce, but he is Batman! They've been together a couple years and he and Josh are living pretty harmoniously, although Terry has a tendency to get Josh injured doing stupid things. This trend will likely continue. McGinnis knows his history, at least from some perspectives, so it should be interesting to see him join in the DCU fun around here.

The full story (complete with junior psychological research, maple syrup, and leaping out of windows) is in his profile. And, of course, feel free to drop me a line here or over IM or email for plotting!
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