our true selves.

June 30th, 2009

our true selves.


June 30th, 2009

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Hey! Beth again, bringing in Ben Martin. Ben is:

→ Almost 60.
→ A character actor best known for playing villains in heavy costuming, makeup, or both.
→ A grandfather. He dotes on his two granddaughters.
→ A very private person, and uncomfortable with fame. All his life, he's worked to keep his personal affairs out of the press.
→ Living in London when he's not on location for a film.
→ Carrying Harry Potter around in his head, and has been since late 2002/early 2003. However, he's new to the journals and to the community at large.

More information is available in his profile, and if you need to catch me for plot or anything, feel free to comment/email/IM!

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Nels here, new to the group. At this current time, I bring to you Eric Sizemore who is bearing the "burden" that is the beauty of the Amazons - yes, Wonder Woman, Diana herself (not to be confused with little sis who took the role or that red head chick who I think took on the mantle or certainly tried by way of acing WW).

Eric works at a comic book/collectibles store his older slightly more successful brother (NPC, but would love it if someone took dear Fred on) owns. Eric's got a year til he's thirty, thinks highly of himself, and has no issues with D(iana) other than her constant comments on how he should better himself and all that. He's a slacker in most things.

I'm open to plot. And, reach me im, email, not sure there's any other way. You can try telepathy, but...yeah, mine's on the fritz.
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