our true selves.

June 21st, 2009

our true selves.


June 21st, 2009

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Hey people!

I'm going to be home in about seven hours or so, which is when I will start to attempt to catch up with everything that I haven't replied to over the last week! If there's something that you think/want one of my characters to respond to then just leave a comment with a link and I'll jump right on it.

I'm also making a couple of drops: Daniel Foster/Donna Noble/[info]bleedinghell and Nicola Jones/Pepper [info]notoneofthem. I'm just not feeling them anymore.

Modding should also return to its normal speed too!

- Katy

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Hey, y'all. Beth, bringing you Lee James (okay, it's Leona, but good luck getting her to tell you that), 17 year old high school grad, smart-mouthed kid, and Lando Calrissian reincarnate. Lee is known around her home town as 'that girl who'll shark you at cards if you give her half a chance' and a general smooth-talker. In other words? Cheerful trouble of the teenage variety. She's had Lando with her for six years, but her father (also a reincarnate) refused to let her on the journals until she graduated from high school, so she'll be a new addition to the community.

Profile and my contact info are here!

Fresh meat!

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Well, hello there! I'm Leigh and I'm a new kid on the block. For future reference- not the kind associated with Jordan and Jonathan Knight. :P Anywhoozles- Rae, Kristin and Kate finally broke me down and got me to join... so HERE I AM! But enough about me, let's get to the good stuff. I am here to bring you all everyone's favourite plastic surgery and Zydrate addicted little hor that's been stuffed into the head of a severely anti-social and asexual video store clerk. That's right! Amber Sweet from Repo! The Genetic Opera.

Beatrice 'Bea' Worme - aged 21 - isn't too happy about Miss Sweet's existence, even though she's been dealing with her for about a year and a half now. She only recently found out what's going on while she was recovering from a buttock augmentation - that was just the last in a string of plastic surgeries. The two couldn't be more different from each other, and don't mesh well together... so you often get one extreme or another. One day you could run into Bea and she'll just give you a blank stare, and twitch, if you try to talk to her, and the next she'd be all over you trying to manipulate her way into your heart, simply so she can screw you over for her own satisfaction. While Bea wouldn't like to admit it, Amber is definitely the louder of their personalities, but since figuring out what's going on she's gotten better at ignoring her for prolonged periods of time... which often leads to outbursts of overall whoriness, tone deaf songs, and rhyming prose.

Her full history and all of that fun can be found here.

Feel free to contact me at nzumbeLOVE on AIM to plot or whatever!

I look forward to playing with you guys! And plot is loved, welcomed and appreciated! ^_^

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Hiyee!! :wave:

Rache here.. back from the dead! Apologies to all.. you see? I had to go to a place where internet isn't very accessable as much as I'd love for it to be!

But I am back! With my lovelies. <3

I missed you all!
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