our true selves.

June 15th, 2009

our true selves.


June 15th, 2009

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Kate here with yet another introduction to make. This is Jeremy Gates. He's a professor of Ancient History at Harvard, all around smarty pants, and is currently sharing his life with Adrian Veidt, aka Ozymandias of Watchmen. Actually, 'sharing' is probably the wrong word. Poor Jeremy is pretty much Adrian's meat-puppet, although he doesn't realize that.

He can be found in Massachusetts, doing his scholarly thing, and he's ready to start doing whatever he can to work for The Greater Good - or at least his definition there of. So all of you good guys have a new ally (regardless of what the people who knew him before might say).

Complete profile here and his first post here. As always, hit me up for plot - here or on aim: improbablekate.
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