our true selves.

May 25th, 2009

our true selves.


May 25th, 2009

New Character

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Hey everyone, its Amy again, your resident Azazel and Rorschach player. I bring you a new character.

Meet Tanya Adkins, Tracy Adkins little sister. So her big sister is Sam, and her reincarnate? Is Adam Milligan, the Winchester's half brother. He's just a plain, normal kid with no powers, just some good computer skills. They get along great.

So anyway, you can catch me on AIM at comraderie30 and on MSN at aiua_thread@hotmail.com.

My net is kinda on the fritz right now, but should be fixed soon, so if you message me and I suddenly disappear, its not you. Its me. xD

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Colleen again, retooling an old character; well, an old reincarnation, at least.

This here's Abernathy Cook (Abby, if you're lazy like me), a 29-year-old stuntwoman (yes, very a la Tracie's role in Death Proof, why do you ask? XD) who just so happens to share a brain with Anthony J Crowley, of Good Omens fame. Belle just wasn't working out, as fragile and easily influenced as she was. Abby doesn't have that problem XD

She's crass, has a bit of an attitude, and isn't afraid to call things like she sees them. Crowley loves her, despite her... unfortunate anatomy XD

She's on the fence, as far as affiliations go, and I don't have any plans with her so far, re: picking a side for the upcoming war-shaped-thing. So, if anyone thinks they could use a talented, jeopardy-friendly bitch for their purposes, nefarious or otherwise, let me know!

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Hello all! Kate here, keeper of Luke/Laura, bringing in a second character.

This is Thomas Doyle, a journalist based in Dublin and currently working for The Agency. He's also the reincarnate of Ford Prefect from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Thomas and Ford are both incredibly good at taking weird stuff as it comes, so much so that it took Thomas a good month or so to figure out there was someone else in his head. That makes them a good fit for The Agency though, and they'll be happy to help your characters out with their own weirdness. Or at least wish them luck and go out and grab a drink.

He's based in Dublin, but he'll be traveling around, and we're open to all sorts of plot. Hit me up anytime here or on AIM - improbablekate.
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