our true selves.

May 17th, 2009

our true selves.


May 17th, 2009

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Hey, all! I just wanted to let you all know that I apologize for the absence. I just got my wisdom teeth removed a few days ago, and I'm having a pretty rough time of it. I plan on being around more though, even if it's only to keep my mind off of the pain. :D

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The following characters need to become active by the next activity check (31st May) or they will be removed. Please remember that activity is either a journal post or being involved in a thread in either [info]ourtrueselves or [info]ourtruecomms. If you need a hiatus then please go here to request one!, and if you have any questions then please contact the mods.


Sam Price
Jennifer Smith
Kevin Green
Emma Howe
Holly Quesner
Valentina Chapman
Dana Van Load
Antonia Peters
Evelyn Schmitt


Alice Nightingale
Thomas Cutler
Parker Marshall
Mackenzie Ignacio


Now a couple of notices:

- People who have dropped characters but want to use the journals for another character; this is still fine however the journals will be removed until you reapply with the new character.

- We have a hiatus request post please use it if you know that you're going to be busy or if one or two characters are becoming difficult to write.

- There will be a lot of plot stuff coming up in the next month or so, so please keep an eye out for mod posts about it. There are a couple of game wide ideas that we're going to try out that should hopefully be a lot of fun! Remember, we take suggestions on plot ideas so if you get an idea then let us know!

- Remember if you have any questions at all just contact us and we'll get back to you ASAP.
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