our true selves.

May 11th, 2009

our true selves.


May 11th, 2009

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Hello, my lovelies!

This is Kristin, your resident Princess Leia, bringing you my second character. Her name is Leanne Campbell, and she is the reincarnate of everyone's favorite bleach blonde vamp: Spike, of Buffy and Angel fame.

She's pretty badass. Well, they are.

This pretty lady lives in California, and is so looking forward to talking to the other Buffy/Angel series reincarnates.

Except for Angel, who is a poofter. LAWL.

Just kidding. Sort of. XP

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Because I am something of an advocate for Rossif Sutherland Awareness (Kiefer is not the only Sutherland boy out there, and Rossif is prettier and just as captivating an actor as his half brother), I bring you my latest, in the form of...Rossif Sutherland. The reincarnate is Aziraphale from Good Omens, with no knowledge of the previous Aziraphale. This guy's info can be found Here!, and this is me poking you to friend him, now. He may post, tonight. But likely not till tomorrow as it's getting late for me.

For those keeping track (I say that to make myself feel important, I know no one is keeping track) this would make 9 pups for me, and the limit is 8. I dropped Caroline/Connor MacManus to give myself a spot for Aziraphale. You can find a brief run down of all my kids here if you are interested in plot or lines or...anything, really.
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