our true selves.

May 7th, 2009

our true selves.


May 7th, 2009

Mod post.

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Hey guys, this is just a quick post but please read it and if you have any questions about it then let us know.

- Can everyone please make sure that their contact info is up to date. I know some people aren't on their and some have changed AIM names or picked up new characters so if you could go and check that your stuff is up to date that would be fantastic.

- Also, can you please re-familiarise yourself with the rules and faqs. I think there's been some confusion over when characters are available to play; a minimum of one season for television characters and movies must be out for two weeks before you can play a character that is just from a movie. If your character's been accepted and they technically break the rule then we're going to overlook it and there is nothing to worry about, this is just for future reference.

I think there's also been some confusion about the Agency's role regarding the journal site. If your character has a journal to communicate with other reincarnates then they would have been contacted by the Agency as it's on a secure network. If you want to say the Agency person that contacted them was incompetent and didn't explain very much then go for it! They're also the closest thing to moderators that the journals have, and it's maintained by their IT department. Feel free to complain about them, I'm sure Agency members do all the time!

- Some of you might have noticed that we now have a very basic Agency time line. Details will be added to this as time goes on, and if you have any questions about it then ask away. Also, if there's any other information that you'd like about The Agency or Reincarnations in general then leave a comment and we'll eventually get around to it.

- Don't forget there is a wanted characters list. This is for both fandom characters you want to see and for OC's that you want in the game. If you have a burning desire to see your OC's sister/brother/roommate/second cousin twice removed in the game then that's the place to request it!

- Remember, if you have any questions then please don't hesitate to contact us. Our contact information is on the contact info page, or you can comment to this post or send a private message to this journal.

Thank you!

- The Mods

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Hello again, people of OTS! Rae here (Avery and Nate), with yet another addition.

This is Jason White, the well-adjusted reincarnate of the mighty wizard Gandalf. Yes, as in Gandalf the Hobbit loving old guy from Lord of the Rings. So, Jason gets all kind of neat perks. He can blow smoke rings, has a weird obsession with sparklers, and can do magic. He's also an Agency Caretaker, for those of you looking for an Agency connection!

I'm still available at betonroulette on AIM for any plotting/chatting needs.

Happy gaming!
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