our true selves.

May 4th, 2009

our true selves.


May 4th, 2009

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Okay so it's my turn to take a break since I have a ton of papers I have to do and exams in the next two weeks. So hiatus until the 15th. If for some insane and highly very unlikely way I get the papers done all this week? I'll be back. But uh.. yeah, that ain't gonna happen.

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Greetings. Misha here, with my latest shiny. This is Dashiel Mulligan, and he has Dream of the Endless in his head, and Robert Downey Jr for a face. He's a recent reincarnate, and he's in denial, as you can see, in his first post RIGHT HERE. I expect people to bash him, for his opinion, and when the dreams start to get worse, or more real (depending on your point of view), he'll change his tune. But. This is where he stands, right now. Forgive him. He doesn't understand what's going on, and he's a man who likes to know what's going on.

Don't forget to add him to your Flists. He's here to interact and have fun. For the quick info, he's based in London where he's been a television news reporter for about 15 years. If you have a pup in London, feel free to recognise him. He's been around a while, he's a staple of his station, kind of like Peter Jennings or Ted Koppel or Dan Rather for the three majors in the US. What else? Hmmm. He's a smart ass, and he doesn't really like people (outside of the work environment) and when he talks, he tends to ramble and repeat himself because he gets nervous, but mostly he just comes across as wordy and somewhat of a jerk.

Dash, and all my guys are available for plot and randomness and everything in between. Enjoy!

Oh! One more thing. If you want to say your people have been having more vivid dreams lately go for it! That's sort of Dream's focus and all!
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