our true selves.

May 2nd, 2009

our true selves.


May 2nd, 2009

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Colleen here again, with my sixth!

This here is Hannah Lockhart, otherwise known as Hrothbert of Bainbridge (Bob the Skull) of The Dresden Files fame. For anyone who actually knows, she's based off of the TV Bob, as I haven't read the books (and I've heard there's a bit of difference). So. Snarky centuries-old morally-ambiguous sorcerer who was trapped inside his own skull (which belongs to Harry Dresden/[info]dexterous) for the use of black magic. He was Harry's magical tutor, and later encyclopedia magica/friend.

Being out of his skull, and corporeal, is probably the best thing that's happened to him... ever, so once the initial OMG wears off, he's probably going to take Hannah (a somewhat dry academic, working out of the University of Chicago- she's detailed in her profile, here) for an interesting ride!

The morally-ambiguous part is likely going to come into play in upcoming plot, especially since there isn't a reincarnation of either of the major Chicago High Council members here (yet), so he might feel a bit more... loose, with his magic. Who knows? In any case, Hannah, as well as all five of my others, are open for plot or whathave you!

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Hey guys! Sia again with a new character; Amber Twyford, aka Maximum Ride, from the James Patterson books. She's a real sweetie, so friend her and lets get playing! :D

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