our true selves.

April 23rd, 2009

our true selves.


April 23rd, 2009

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Hello everyone! I'm Kate, just joining this awesome looking game. My character is Laura Meyhew, a slightly prissy but basically nice upper-class New Yorker. She works as a personal assistant and, oh yeah, she's sharing her brain space with Luke Skywalker. She's not exactly a geek or all that open-minded, so she's still having some trouble coming to terms with that. On the other hand, using The Force is really really handy sometimes. She could really use some help and positive influences. Or bad influences could be fun too.

Anyway, that's all I have for an introduction at the moment. Please feel free to ping me at improbablekate on AIM. I'm always up for chatting and plotting. Looking forward to playing with all of you!
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