our true selves.

April 19th, 2009

our true selves.


April 19th, 2009


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Could I talk to one of the mods, please? I have finally figured out what to do with Alex, but I think I probably need permission first.

plotbunny )

Activity Check and Mod Post

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There are a couple of things we have to go through today. The first is the bi-monthly activity check and the second is a mod post about plot. So please read through everything. If you have any questions then please leave a comment or contact the mods in your preferred way.

The minimum activity requirements for this game is a post in either your characters journal, a thread in [info]ourtrueselves or taking part in communication in [info]ourtruecomms. We warn you when you've fallen behind on activity because we're nice mods, but we've also noticed some names coming up time and time again. Please do not use the activity check as a reminder that you need to post. If you need a hiatus for any reason, whether it's family trouble, school getting you down or you just feel a bit burned out, then please let us know. We're understanding people and we don't mind it if you need to take a break. However we do not want people to be doing the bare minimum just to stay in the game.

If you need help plotting or getting something together then you can stick a post up in the OOC, or talk to the mods and we'll try to help you out!

The following people need to become active in the next two weeks (or by the next activity check after the marked hiatus date) or they will be removed:

Sam Price (Hiatus - 6th May)
Jordan Hartman
Emily Holden
Jennifer Smith (Hiatus - 3rd May)
Gabriel Michaels
Daniel Miller
Troy Anders
Margaret Jilly
Lena Graves
Annabelle Pemberton
Monique Cook
Dominic Jude
Regina Porter
Marcus Notaro
Naomi Regan
Laramie Pratt
Leo Martinez
Holly Quesner
Victor Roth
Audrey Samson
Valentina Chapman
Augustine Grace
Emma Howe (Hiatus - 6th May)
Kevin Green (Hiatus - 3rd May)


We're trying to arrange the overall game plot of Good Reincarnates Vs. Bad Reincarnates. We have a couple of things in mind, and characters will be coming in to help the plot along (the leader of the bad guys, for example) but we just wanted to know who would like to be very involved and who would like to remain mostly as a bystander. I'm sure that recruitment drives will be happening soon enough if your character's new to the reincarnation business, or they could have been working for either side in secret before hand.

If you have any ideas, or any input then just leave a comment and we'll try and get back to you ASAP. Also, expect a lot more of these plot posts as time goes on and we stop failing at plotting get everything going! This is just to gage some sort of interest.

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So, it's Misha, and I'm officially back. I may get scarce toward the middle of May as the school year winds down, but I won't take hiatus again until I go back to Ohio in June. I'm hoping to get my guys on active duty over the next couple of days, and what not. I kind of feel overwhelmed, tonight, so I don't know that I'll do anything just now. But I'm glad to be back and look forward to playing!

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Sorry about my absence, all. My husband and I drove out of town. But, I'm back now and ready for action. Anyone interested in doing some plot with my crazy Holly Quesner? :D

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Hello hello!

I'm Rae, new girl extraordinaire. My first character in this fine game is Avery Mason. She's the reincarnate of Dan Dreiberg, aka Nite Owl of Watchmen fame. Let's see here...at the moment, she own a mechanic shop in Austin, Texas, where she lives alone with the exception of her ugly mutt of a dog. Overall, she's insanely friendly and well-balanced. Go figure.

Anyone who wants to reach me can do so at betonroulette on AIM. I'm up for chatting/plot any time I'm online, so don't hesitate.

That's all I can think of at the moment, but I'm really bad at intros, so I'm sure I missed something....anyway, happy gaming!

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anyone up for a thread with audrey or valentina.
i'm trying to think of a way to actually get them involved in the game.
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