our true selves.

April 13th, 2009

our true selves.


April 13th, 2009

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Hey guys! My name is Christine and I just joined the game as Faith Lehane from the Buffy and Angelverse. I know there are several Buffy/Angel characters here, so I'll be excited to talk about possible storylines with ya'll. I'm open to storylines with other characters as well, obviously!

I may also have a character specific storyline for Faith's host, Charlie. She owns a clothing store in New York with her ex-boyfriend, who she dated for nine years. They're still pretty close and have the whole best friend/something extra thing going on.

Anyway, I can't wait to get started here! Here's my contact info, in case you need it:

e-mail: stakethevampire@gmail.com
aim: rip sunnydale

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Hey! It's Victoria, aka Jack, here. Again. With another pup, because one sexually-ambiguous tarted-up crazypants is just not enough, apparently. I swear I didn't intend for it to work out, but here we are. >.>;

Anyway, this here is Mackenzie, and he's a lot more approachable than my other guy, honest. He's big on reading, sushi, and the occasional cross-dressing stint. Mainly that last because he has Dr. Frank-N-Furter, straight out of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, in his head. They do not get along well, and are not so much one soul with a few memories another, but a full-blown case of split-personality. It's like Jekyll and Hyde, but with more glitter.

Anyway, if you're interested in plotting, I'm always up for it! He needs friends, poor thing, whether for his normal self or his wild side. You can reach me, like always, at headful of dust on AIM.
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