our true selves.

April 4th, 2009

our true selves.


April 4th, 2009

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Hello everyone! I am Harlow and this is Augustine, somewhere underneath she is getting the memories Cassie Ainsworth (also known as the fairy on acid). Most of them about really odd things like laying in her underwear in her bed for three days not eating, being in love with a boy who always has glasses, etc. Augustine lives in Bristol, but tends to travel throughout the UK because she gets fidgety staying in one place for long. She's suppose to be going to school and whatnot at seventeen, but instead sleeps during the day and is active throughout all times of night.

And she writes most of the things in her journal from right to left and cryptic ramblings. So, comment away!

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Oh hai thar! *waves* My name is Jean and I bring you Thomas Cutler aka the reincarnation of Lisa Cuddy! I think he mostly fears having the desire to walk around in a lab coat and heels bathing in the power of bossing people around if he hasn’t tried it already. He’s a Dean of a College in which I tootaally Bs’ed the name. He already has taken on some of her traits, very diligent, more work less play that sort of thing. Feel free to look over his profile, because it does better justice then me summarizing it X_X.

I totally look forward to getting started! *fist pump!*
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