our true selves.

March 22nd, 2009

our true selves.


March 22nd, 2009

Activity Check

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The following characters need to become active or they will be removed. Please remember that activity is either a journal post or a thread in either of the communities. Those with hiatus's will still go on the list with a notice of hiatus. This is for the mods.

Jordan Hartman
Emily Holden
Alice Nightingale
Gabriel Michaels (Hiatus)
Alexander Churchill (Hiatus)
Christer Blake

The following characters have been removed due to inactivity. If you feel like you have been removed unfairly or would wish to return then please talk to either of the mods and something can be arranged.

Delian Osbert
Belinda Conleth
Jocelyn Smeets
Simon Kreutz
Bryn Skyler
Isaac Iherjirika
Marc Dixon
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