our true selves.

March 20th, 2009

our true selves.


March 20th, 2009

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So hi it's abby. I tried to do this before but we have new people and Iv'e been lax but I'm back. So hello I'm Abby. I play Martha Jones/Sam Price and Barbara Gordon/Amelia (Emma) Howe.

Sam is a mechanic from London - she's in a rather serious relationship with Jordan Harkman (Jack Harkess) - she now knows who she is - even though Jordan already had her suspisions. She's very nice and has been without internet for a while. So she hasn't been around and she'll be posting something now.

Emma is an olympic gymnast who has just gotten back from a competition. She's known who she is for a while and is dealing with it.

Both need friends. and I'm planning a hurt-plot for Sam. She's been having trouble with her garage and people breaking in so that's my plan! Emma needs plot. Hey she and Gonzo need to do stuff ;) hint hint

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Hi. I joined a billion years ago, but never posted.

I'm Panther, this is Magaret Anderson/Diana Prince.
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