our true selves.

March 15th, 2009

our true selves.


March 15th, 2009

Yay plot

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Victoria again, I'm afraid. This time with an idea for plot shenanigans.

Because the last thing I would ever want is for Jack to just sit back and twiddle his thumbs without enacting any kind of actual bodily harm on people, and because it's fun to shake things up, I'm thinking of having him whacking a few reincarnations. Possibly even Agency members in particular.

For no good reason. Just for yuks, y'know? I'm not asking for any volunteers, seeing as hell mostly be aiming (quite literally) for NPCs.

But yeah. So. I'm posting this to ask for input, plus how this is just generally going to go over with people? Yay or nay?

PS: Consider this a big, general hi to all the newbies from me!

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Hey, all! Colleen back once again, this time with *gasp* a boy. (Those of you who know me, I know, about damn time, right?) And it's a boy/boy! Well, at least, in theory >.>

Meet Lawrence Andrew 'LA' DeMarco, a 31 year old West Hollywood waiter and culinary student, who just so happens to moonlight as a drag queen. He is the backdrop for James Wilson of House, MD, although LA has almost no idea what it is (shut up, he has no TV. He's lucky to have his apartment, for now). He's only just been told about his other half, so he's not quite sure what to make of it all; but really, he can't get much crazier, so he's trying not to worry about it too much.

Anything else you want to know about the boy can be found here, and if you have any questions/comments/concerns/plot (especially the plot, did I say? XD), do just comment or drop me a line!

This brings me up to three, along with Jax/Constantine [info]jaxcreedy and Belle/Crowley [info]ringabelle, both of whom are alson around for plot, if you have any!

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