our true selves.

March 12th, 2009

our true selves.


March 12th, 2009

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Misha here. My roster is up to six, and I've yet to officially introduce my two newest ones.

I have this lovely girl, Caroline, who will likely pull a gun on you if you call her Caroline. hah. Just kidding, but she is a little bit rough, around the edges. And she's got an Irish vigilante in her head, via Connor MacManus, from Boondock Saints. She goes by Car, and she needs friends.

I've also recently brought in Spencer Evans ([info]idontlikeguns), with Eliot Spencer as her alter ego. Yeah. If you know Eliot, you know she's likely to be really rough around the edges. She's had a tough life, and Eliot's made her more twitchy. She's PB'd by Stacy "Fergie" Fergeson. A Josh Duhamel wouldn't be turned down, if someone wanted to app him XD.

Be sure to friend them both, so you don't miss their posts! Car will be posting either tonight, or this weekend. Spencer posted the other day. They, as well as all my guys would love the interaction.

As a refresher, I have House/Gael Hunter ([info]principalhunter), Wesley Wyndham-Pryce/Parker P Whitley ([info]parkerpwhitley), Dresden/Dexter Henley ([info]dexterous), and Adam Young/Jaden Knight ([info]thejadedknight). I can be found on AIM as MeeshZilla, please ignore the Away message. If I'm actually away, I won't reply till I get back, obviously, but I'm often here.
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