our true selves.

March 7th, 2009

our true selves.


March 7th, 2009

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It's activity check time. This is a list of everyone who hasn't posted in the last week. Remember that comments in other peoples journals posts do not constitute as activity. Activity consists of either a journal post, being involved in communication via [info]ourtruecomms or taking part in a thread in [info]ourtrueselves.

If you need to take a hiatus for any reason then please let us know, the same with illness or going out of town. If we know about your circumstances then we can make allowances for inactivity. Otherwise characters who are listed here who haven't become active within the next two weeks will be removed. We will attempt to contact you before this happens, however please consider this your first warning.

If you feel like you are on this list unfairly (if you've taken a hiatus that we missed or you've posted and we've missed it or if you've told us that you'll be absent and we've forgotten etc etc) then please let us know.

The following characters need to become active within the next two weeks:

Jacob Makepeace (Hiatus until 26th March)
Sam Price (Haitus until 16th March)
Delian Osbert
Belinda Conleth
Jennifer Smith
Jillian Summers
Jack (Hiatus until 26th March)
Audrey Reede
Alice Nightingale
Robert Porter
Ben Adams

Kevin Green
Jocelyn Smeets
Emma Howe (Hiatus until 16th March)
Simon Kreutz
Gabriel Michaels (Hiatus until 22nd March)
Bryn Skyler
Michael Carpenter
Peter Van Daal (Hiatus until 26th March)
Daniel Miller
Isaac Iherjirika
Samantha Albanez
Margaret Jilly
Lena Graves
Carter Kingston
Marc Dixon
Annabelle Pemberton
Parker Preston Whitley
Jaden Knight
Spencer Evans

A strikethrough indicates a dropped character.
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