our true selves.

February 22nd, 2009

our true selves.


February 22nd, 2009

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It's Misha once again. I'm up to four, now, with number five taking shape in my head. I just don't know what I'm going to do when I get to six kids, and can't app any more. I am already witchy at the thought XD.

Anyway. I intro'd Gael and Dex already. Today I bring to your attention my two new ones. [info]parkerpwhitley is, predictably, Parker P Whitley. Parker shares his personal existance with Wesley Wyndham Pryce of Buffy/Angel fame. Parker is with The Agency, and as you might imagine, Wes is flourishing in that position. He is very much a book worm, Wes wants to read up on everything and anything he can. Unfortunately I don't have time to keep up with Wes' thirst for knowledge, so I'll have to fake a lot of it, hah. Parker is PB's by Christian Slater, and is interested in relationships of all kids.

Second, I have this darling boy. Jaden Knight, along with Adam Young from Good Omens. Adam is/was the antichrist, misplaced at birth (*eyes Crowley*) and raised without evil, or good, influence, he simply was. Jaden is an average student. Well, above average grades wise. He's in college now, studying law. He's only recently found out about Adam, and I'd really really like to have someone kind of mentor him? He's coming in to a lot of power that he's not sure what to do with,a nd I'm afraid it might drive him a little bit mad.

CelticFaerie2x[at]gmail[dot]com, or MeeshZilla on AIM, if you want to discuss the boys, or anything else.
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