our true selves.

February 20th, 2009

our true selves.


February 20th, 2009

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I can finally intro now that all my kids are here.

I'm Jewels. I know probably 99% of you or something like that. So, let's see who I have.

This is Justine Rosa and she is The Dude from the Big Lebowski. I could sum up the film (of which I am sure it is the funniest movie I've ever seen) and if you haven't seen it, watch this (no spoilers I swear). Anyway she is a bartender and lives in Jersey. She curses all the time, drinks white russians and bowls. That's about the most she has in common with the Dude. At least for now. Oh! And she works for the Agency too. Because yeah.

Then I have Olive Gibson [info]herownadventure who is Sarah Jane Smith from Doctor Who. She lives in London, and is a librarian. She's a bit of a shy nerd and lives with her dad still even though she's 21. The journalism thing is kicking in but she's trying to ignore it. And she's on the good side.

And last but not least I have Monique Cook [info]turnedtosteel who is Tony Stark reincarnated. She never thought she liked women but apparently she's turning into a lesbian. And drinking too much. Um she lives in LA and owns a club called Leviathan. There will definitely not be any building of a suit of metal, but we'll see as time goes on. She loves herself just a little too much, but has a very big soft spot for her family. And she's got a ton of those so if anyone wants to be related, awesome :D

I'm on AIM under punching infants if anyone needs me.


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I'm so sorry this has taken so long to get up, but due to family issues right now I have no access to either a computer or the interne; I'm not sure how long this state is going to last. :(

My apologies to everyone, especially Bella, Rick and Chris-mun. I'll try and be back and make it up to everyone asap.

This affects Gabriel and Alex.
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