our true selves.

February 18th, 2009

our true selves.


February 18th, 2009

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Greetings, one and all. Misha here, bringing in two to start, with a third on tap to be apped. I'm excited to be here and looking forward to playing my kids and getting to know people and all that jazz.

Bear with me, I'm at work right now. I'm here early this morning because of transportation issues, and I'mjust killing time until I actually start work. I'm a special education parapro, with 3rd-5th graders with moderate disabilities. We have downs, CP, seizure disorder and the like. It's an awesome, though exhausting, job. But it keeps me off line until after 4pm, sometimes later because of a strong need to nap after work.

Anyway. My kids. First up is this guy, Gael Hunter. He's an elementary school principal who loves his job, and just happens to have Geregory House nestled in his brain. Wonder how long he's going to be loving his job, now. Haha. He's always been a bit of a loner, which I fear is only going to get worse, with Greg's influence. He needs friends, like whoa. He's PB'd by Paul Bettany.

Secondly, I have [info]dexterous, a massage therapist and part time street performer named Dexter Henley. Dex is really, really, really good with his hands. He's harboring Harry Dresden in his mind, and will slowly acquire some of Harry's inherent magic. He's PB'd by Hugh Laurie, and he needs friends, too. Really, isn't that the point of this whole thing? Give them friends or fake friends, and drama and everything in between,and breathe some life into them?

My third on order is a Wesley Wyndham Pryce reincarnate. I'm open to ideas,if anyone has any thoughts, or suggestions for, well, anything. Christian Slater is my intended PB.

Well, look at that. Time flies and I've got to go and clock in for work. I'm really excited to be here, looking forward to getting my feet wet, perhaps ths afternoon/evening!
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