our true selves.

February 4th, 2009

our true selves.


February 4th, 2009

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And....Kore completely went through with it.

Here's Isaac Iherjirka, more commonly known as Gonzo since his name his high on impossibility to pronounce scale, and honestly he's completely melded with his reincarnation. So feel free to call him simply by Gonzo - he's used to it. He's really friendly, (unmarried human women, look out), loves helping people, and practicing 'fine art'. (This does include hypnotising himself to lift up a tow truck, eating a tire to the Flight of the Bumblebees, and plummetting without a parachute). 

He's an agency member so if you'd like him as your Caretaker let me know! He promises to be extremely optimistic, and restrain himself slightly from hitting on any girls who are his charges. Like most of the agency members, he's based in England though he's from the States originally. Plot wise - he could use a flatmate...

Anyway, add him - feel free to smack him in game play if he gets too friendly (SHE TOUCHED ME! <-- won't do much good) and throw chickens his way. (Really doesn't like them as he's scared he'll fall in love with the first one he sees...and he's not for Fowlphilia if tha'ts even a word.)
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