our true selves.

February 1st, 2009

our true selves.


February 1st, 2009

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its kate. I picked up another one. because its addicting and HOLY SHIT. can we all please look at john patrick amedori?? when the hell did he get so...manly? once i saw him i had to pick up another one. so anyway, this is michael, he's been bothered by lex luthor since he turned ten. muahah. they're both extremely smart. only difference is that michael's not very street smart. at all. he's smart to the point he's dumb. SO. that'll be fun!
lemme know if any of your kids wanna playyyy.

Intro Post

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Hey guys! New player here, just thought I'd introduce myself before I started playing. (And I'm sorry for the delay, my weekend got busy. >.>)

My name's Sia, and I'll be playing Gabriel Michaels/Edward Cullen, and Alex Churchill/Lestat. The character journals are golden_eyes and akashas_angel, so please friend me back!

Can't wait to start. ^^


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Joss and mun here with a question....how much do we need a stunt-obsessed, fearless, Agency member who strongly resembles everyone's favorite Weirdo?

So I suck sort've

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So just a sort've heads up as I have recently realized that it seems on the weekends I'm usually not around as much or not as active. So if you comment or post anything to me like say on Thursday night or Friday I may not get back to you till after the weekend. Of course this isn't always the case.

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Hey, all. It's Victoria! Again 8D

This is Mercutio PETER. He also happens to be Mephistophilis, which is cause for some major wtf-ing from his end of things. He's from South Africa. And has a foul mouth. Although, for the easily offended among you, not to worry! Most of it probably isn't in English, even if he does drop f-bombs like it's going out of style. Aside from that, he plays the piano in Cape Town and is a lot nicer than his reincarnation, promise!


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Hey people!

I have some links for you to check out in the hope that you'll then all plot with me! Why yes, I am shameless. There's Elizabeth's, Daniel's and finally Evelyn's. If you want to fill any of those spots then either reply to the post, e-mail me at katyhaughey(at)gmail(dot)com or catch me on AIM at uneasy lies. Also let me know if there's anything on there that I've missed that you have the urge to fill, I'm not picky! As you can tell by this, I am simply begging asking for plotty goodness!

Another (non plotty) note, there's now a wanted character post on the mod journal. It can be found here! It isn't just for canon mates or characters you want to have plot with, it can just be used for people you think would be fun in the game!
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