our true selves.

January 18th, 2009

our true selves.


January 18th, 2009

I am so weak. :3

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Hello, my name is Kaela and I'm bringing a couple characters into the fold. This semester looks like I may actually have time for some fun,so yay!

First of is Delian Osbert (PB: Cillian Murphy). Who is he really? Light Yagami from Death Note. The short version? Light found a notebook, and when he wrote down a person's name they would die. He's fairly sociopathic, but has the best of intentions and will resort to anything to get them. He's an overachiever, which conflicts with Delian's laid back nature.

Then there is Belinda Conleth (PB: Kristen Bell), originally the dragonlord Janx from C.E. Murphy's Negotiator Trilogy. She's a young girl that suddenly discovers that not only is she remembering a lifetime as a male, but she was a DRAGON. Cue a bit of a freak out before the Agency found her. Janx was a smarmy bastard, and a crimelord that lorded over New York City. He's pretty jovial, but be wary of crossing him or Bel for that matter as she regains his memories. Let's just say that transformation into a dragon causes shockwaves that knock back anyone within a certain radius.

IF anyone would like to plot I can be reached at chaosbecomesyou on aim. Ignore the away message! <3

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Hi I'm Rache!! ;D I'm 22 living in freezing cold Michigan!

I am bringing in Jennifer Smith who is the reincarnation of Agent Smith from the Matrix. ^^ Using the lovely Angelina Jolie as PB.. I thought she would be perfect for him!

Before she realized her true self, she was an agent working for FBI. Now that she is manifesting her true memories she is going to turn on the system and become a double agent.

I am more than willing to plot with everyone here! I also hope to see a reincarnation of Neo, because that would just be super awesome. ;D It's great to be here. I see a lot of people I already know and I miss seeing you all and it's great to see you guys again!

my aim is sweettrickery

Don't be shy to say Hi!


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Hello everyone! This is Stephy and I'll be playing Emily Holden whom is actually Rose Tyler from Doctor Who. Emily is currently living in Chicago and working at Sears, she is taking a few classes at a community college but doesn't know yet what she wants to do. She always has fantasies about something or someone changing her life and taking her away from it all. She wants more to life then what seems to be out there. She is a big Sci-Fi fan and Doctor Who just happens to be her favorite show and well Rose Tyler is her favorite character. She's always felt like she has related to Rose and wished that someone like the Doctor was real and could take her away and show her the wonders of the world.  So of course at first when she starts getting the memories she'll be thinking that its just her imagination wandering after watching too much Doctor Who.

I'll also be playing Jordan Hartman ([info]thatsmygun) who is Jack Harkness from Doctor Who and Torchwood. She is currently living in London and is a detective. She is very flirty just like Jack so be warned she will probably hit on whom ever she interacts with. She is also bi so long as the person is pretty! Although she is flirty she is going to be starting a relationship with Sam Price, played by Abby, who happens to be Martha Jones so that will be rather interesting once they start learning about their former selves and the relationship between Martha and Jack.

With both of the characters I am open to any plotting and with that pretty much anything so just let me know if you want to plot anything with me! My AIM is bad x woif
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