our true selves.

January 16th, 2009

our true selves.


January 16th, 2009

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Hello, everyone. ♥

I'm Sheena, and this here is Parker Smith. She's the reincarnation of The Doctor from the age-old television show Doctor Who. Before she found out she was The Doctor, she was a librarian in London. She was always exceptionally bright, but very much a loner when it came to the people her age. After she learned of who she was (all 10 whopping regenerations so far), an Agency member was nice enough to hand her the information she needed and something they like to call a Police Public Call Box - better known as the TARDIS. Nowadays, she tries to embrace who she is and travels here and there and everywhere, but is always back in time to feed her cat.

If you would like to plot, or even just say hello, you can find me over at ice and rage on AIM. I look forward to playing with you all. ♥
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