our true selves.

January 11th, 2009

our true selves.


January 11th, 2009

Introduction Fun Times

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Heeey, all. I'm Victoria. Not much to say about me; I'm from California, near San Francisco, have been roleplaying for about two or three years now, excessively use smilies (seriously, if it gets annoying, just call me on it) and am way excited to be joining in on this game!

The character I'm bringing to the table here is Jacob Makepeace. Who is a good kid, talks a lot and plays basketball and is in his school's drama department. He also, unfortunately, happens to house the soul or personality or whatchamacallit of one of literature's bigger bastards. By which we mean Iago. But shh... he doesn't know it yet and is pretty confused as to what the hell is going on concerning the matter of his dreaming of Venice and these random flashes of OHGODRAAAGE. Which is sure to make for - hopefully - some awesome IC angst and drama galore. Which he won't be happy about, but his mun certainly will.

Anyway, plotting is very much love, and you can reach me at antivitalism on AIM for any you may be feeling up to! Or if you wanna just chat or feel like bothering someone, as I'm perfectly up to either of those.

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Hello, hello, and welcome to [info]ourtrueselves.

I come bearing a bit of information before the start of the game -

First off, we will begin when we have at least 5 new players and/or characters besides Katy and myself. We're already off to a brilliant start, so tell your friends, and have your friends tell their friends, so it will be one fantastic circle of newcomers.

Secondly, we've made a change to the rules of applying. You are no longer obligated to fill out your application in first person. It is optional to have it in either first or third; though first is our preference.

Finally, go on and make an introduction post here in [info]ourtrueooc! C'mon, don't be shy! If we're all going to get to know each other, we should probably start by at least saying hello, right?

Right then, off you go! Let's get things rolling, shall we?

- Sheena.
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