Jul. 5th, 2013


Who: Chloe Thomas & James Potter
What: Chloe going to see James
When: 6 July 2026
Where: James' Place
Warnings/Rating/Notes: PG-13? | Incomplete

everything is torn apart, oh and it's the hardest part )


WHO: James Potter & Lily Potter.
WHAT: James is off to find Lilu because someone needs to hug her.
WHEN: Wednesday, July 3rd, late afternoon.
WHERE: Potter Residence.
RATING | STATUS: PG | Incomplete

to verify for himself that /one/ of his siblings was safe )

Jul. 3rd, 2013


WHO: James Potter & Teddy Lupin
WHAT: James has just gotten back and someone has to tell him...
WHEN: Wednesday, July 3rd, afternoon.
WHERE: Treehouse; Potter's backyard.
RATING | STATUS: PG-13 | Incomplete

remember i'll never leave you if you will only remember me )