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December 9th, 2009

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When: December 30, 2002
Characters/Pairing: Amy/Thomas/Ethan
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings: Adult situations, slash
Summary: Phase one of the seduction of Thomas Connelly.
A/N: I know Amy's been wanting this for a very, very long time! Hopefully this won't disappoint!

Phase one of the seduction of Thomas Connelly. )

January 2nd, 2009

Fic: Christmas Plans

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Title: Christmas Plans
Rating/Warnings: G
Characters: Theo and Peter Nott
Summary: Theo talks to his son about the woman he wants to marry.
A/N: For you, [info]delayedpoet.

Christmas Plans )

December 25th, 2008

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Title: A Very Merry Christmas, Indeed
Characters/Pairing: Mandy/Nathan
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Adult situations
Summary: Merry Christmas, Nathan, my love!
A/N: It's M/N, of course it's NC-17 *grin*

A Very Merry Christmas, Indeed )

November 22nd, 2008

RP: Little Boy Worried

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Character/Pairing: Pansy, Peter
Rating: G/PG
Warnings: don’t think there’ll be any
Summary: Peter has something on his mind.
A/N: Set in Fascination, around the time Amy and co. get home for the holidays.

Little boy worried )

November 13th, 2008

RP: The morning after

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Title: The Morning After
Character/Pairing: Thomas/Amy/Ethan
Rating: R+
Warnings: TBD
Summary: Amy goes to Ethan the morning after so many things change.
A/N: Set in Fascination

The Morning After )

November 8th, 2008

RP: Unexpected Talk

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Characters: Mandy/Nathan
Rating: TBD
Warnings: Probably sex, seeing as how it's M/N
Summary: Mandy has something to talk to Nathan about.
A/N: Set in the Fascination AU. Christmas 2002.

Unexpected Talk )
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