Once Upon a Myth Role Play's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Once Upon a Myth Role Play

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[25 Jul 2015|08:20am]
Who: Kate (Athena) and Hayden (Hephaestus)
Where: the house (it's not exactly his house since she's living there, but since she isn't on the deed calling it their house seemed odd too....)
When: Saturday morning
What: breakfast
Warnings: sexy times
Status: Complete

Breakfast of Champions )

[25 Jul 2015|09:24am]
Who: Ari (Ares) and Allie (Eris)
Where: Ari's house
When: Saturday morning
What: Relaxing
Warnings: R
Status: Complete

Good morning )

[ viewing | July 25th, 2015 ]
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