Once Upon a Myth Role Play's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Once Upon a Myth Role Play

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[24 Jul 2015|02:38pm]
Who: Ari (Ares) and Allie (Eris)
Where: The Grape Vine
When: Friday evening
What: Catching up
Warnings: Language?
Status: Complete

How you doin'? )

[24 Jul 2015|11:47pm]
Who: Zander (Zeus) and Lilly (Metis)
Where: His Office
When: Friday Afternoon
What: Lunch Meeting
Warnings: None yet
Status: In progress

Not that Zander should be thinking of seeing his ex-lover more often. )

[24 Jul 2015|11:59pm]
Who: Patrick (Pan) and Luna (Selene)
When: Friday June 24th
What: Date Night
Where: Luna's house, then Acropolis
Warnings: Sexual Content
Status: Complete

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