4th June 2015

[info]domisakeeper in [info]otiumrpg

Who: Dominic Wood & Alysse Ramsey
What: Someone's bringing dishonor to Slytherin as usual.
When: 4th October 2027, late evening
Where: Slytherin Common Room
SFW?: Likely! (Dom has kind of a potty mouth tho)
Status: Incomplete

he wasn't supposed (allowed) to take his shirt off in the library. )

[info]faylizmal in [info]otiumrpg

Who: Faye Mallory & Julian Eyers (...and anyone else watching/listening.)
What: Julian gets a taste of his own medicine
When: 4th October 2027, free period after their shared Charms class
Where: Outside Courtyard
SFW?: Indeed
Status: Incomplete

Hey, Spider-Man! )