3rd June 2015

[info]caslavska in [info]otiumrpg

Who: Lýdia and Sally
What: Lýdia tries to awaken Sally's school spirit.
When: 3rd October 2027, dinner
Where: The Great Hall
SFW?: Should be
Status: Incomplete

Can I bother you for a minute? )

[info]royalsixpence in [info]otiumrpg

Who: Spencer Queen & Bethany Jessop
What: Discussing Hogwarts' latest ridiculousness, tbh.
When: 30th September 2027, during their drop-in session [backdated]
Where: Classroom just off the Great Hall.
SFW?: Likely!
Status: Incomplete

It still sounds absurd, saying it out loud. )

[info]quinnntessence in [info]otiumrpg

Who: Quinn and April
What: Studying AKA Quinn being a dork trying to ask April to go to Hogsmeade with him
Where: The Library
When: Thursday afternoon (?)
Status: In Progress
Rating: SFW, of course

Those words were surprisingly hard to say )