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Otherways - an AU RPG

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[Dec. 12th, 2008|21:01 ]



Sitting at the bar.

Having a drink.

Looking not altogether unhappy.

He's actually reading a comic book he found on the bookshelf.
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[Oct. 28th, 2008|22:00 ]

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"No. Just no. I'm not doing it. I am not dressing up like that," Jack states emphatically to the bartender.

Jim replies with, "It's what you picked, Chief. You agreed to play."

"I changed my mind."

"That's dangerous around here." Jim taps the bar lightly. "Sure you won't reconsider? She's not always forgiving if you anger her."

Jack flails - no, actually flails. "It's just a bar!"

Jim shrugs. "Suit yourself, Chief."

Suddenly Jack finds himself not only dressed as a maid, but as a slutty maid at that. He should've dressed himself.
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Hey! You! Come on out! [Jul. 13th, 2008|21:00 ]


Jack's lounging peacefully, toying with his yo-yo. He's enjoying his little lounging period and his beer. He's really enjoying his beer.
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...just fix the damn sun! [Jun. 29th, 2008|21:39 ]


"That's it. Forget it. I'm not helping any more alien or not-so-alien races..."

Jack stops. Takes a look around and... yeah.

"Why do I always end up here in the middle of a mission?" He almost adds 'and fully armed', but this time, refrains.
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