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Otherways - an AU RPG

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[Oct. 31st, 2008|14:03 ]


I will openly admit today as my birthday, but I am going to forego the costumes this year. Just plain ole me.

I'll gladly sit and watch the festivities though.
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[Oct. 10th, 2008|21:18 ]


You ever wake up and wonder what your life would've been like had things been different? Yeah, me too, except I don't have to wonder. My life actually was different - about thirty-some years ago. Long story. And one I don't often tell to just anyone. Who would believe me? Actually, until a couple years ago, even I didn't know. Took one hell of a trek, a lot of magic and a serious amount of love to get through that. It's in the past now and I have - this. Whatever this is. This place. This bar. This weird-ass family.

My life is strange.

At least I can have a beer while I'm living it.
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[Jul. 25th, 2008|16:12 ]


Okay, so I'm working on this new trick, but it's not going as well as I'd hoped. I've burned through three decks of cards so far and I'm about to lose it.
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[May. 28th, 2008|22:30 ]

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Half-way through the tour. It's nice to get a break for a while. Now, if I can just find a doctor named House, I'll be all set.
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[Apr. 4th, 2008|21:26 ]


I'm having a little party for one here at the bar while waiting for friends to meander down or someone to wander over. The beer here is really good - a lot like the stuff in this little pub I like back in Chicago.

Speaking of Chicago - I'll be heading back there soon to start the first leg of my tour. Morgan thinks it's stupid to keep up my stage shows and I think he's a lunatic for thinking I should hole myself in a basement bent over a table scribbling notes about wizardry.
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|16:27 ]

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Was I asleep longer than I thought? I mean, I know I don't get enough sleep, but I don't think I slept enough for the entire bar to change. Or am I in the wrong bar?

Wow. Weird. I mean, really weird. I've seen a lot of weird shit in my time, but this beats out just about all of that.

As long as everyone's still around - Greg, Alex, Nick, Michael, Greyden, Mark, Stephen (anyone I didn't list, there were a lot of folks dammit) - I think we'll be good.

And when did Ellison get a bartending gig? How does that work anyway? Man can't see!

This should be fun.
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