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Otherways - an AU RPG

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[Apr. 24th, 2008|12:29 ]

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The weather outside seems warm and sunny and Alex is tired of being pent up inside the bar. So, today, she and Greyden are going for a walk by the lake. Greyden is obviously not actually doing any walking at just six months old, but she's enjoying the fresh air and the outdoors.
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[Mar. 24th, 2008|20:00 ]


Logan's leaning in the back door of the bar that smells and appears vaguely different - as long as the back door's the same, he really doesn't care. Well, there's one other aspect of life he'd like to be familiar...

Anyway, he's got the cigar and the scowl and he's staring out the back door at the landscaping.
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[Mar. 19th, 2008|22:46 ]
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Belle was wandering around the house that she and Remy were sharing. It was important to be able to maneuver in the dark, and so she wandered with her eyes closed, walking slowly so there weren't any stubbed toes.

Which is why she didn't notice right away when the door opened to a whole new place. But her eyes opened quickly when the door closed behind her with a soft 'thump'.

The look on her face was confused. Very confused. "Huh?"
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