Sep. 17th, 2011



The October arc is underway and we need sign-ups.

This arc wont require daily participation, so if you'll be a little busy, it's okay because you wont be needed every single day.

General premise is going to include a lot of violence, gore, and tears. Probably saw games on crack.

Please fill this form out for the arc runner for each character that you want involved:

Aug. 23rd, 2011


September Arc Sign Up

Okay, so most of you know that the September Arc is involving a sort of AU spin to participating characters. If anyone has seen Dollhouse, they'll understand. Basically all characters are going to start the arc with new memories, new backstory, and a new personality. Throughout the arc, characters will be able to regain their memories through a series of trials and tribulations while unearthing the hideous plot surrounding it.

Since we're assigning these new personalities, we're going to be doing a sign up post. This post will be open all the way up through the arc as long as it's not full. The estimated start of the arc will be Sept 2/3rd. So if you are going to app anyone new, you are free to throw them in right now for an assignment.

I know that school is starting for a few of us, and some of you are reluctant to sign up because of this (i.e erin. i call it.). But do it anyway just in case you actually do get some time to thread.

The way this works out is there are a series of drafted stock characters that will be randomly given out to all those who sign up. None of them are more important than the other, so it really doesn't matter if you get one and then don't play them because you're busy.

I've currently got 26 stock characters drafted up, and considering it's a small game I doubt we'll have more than that.

You can either generate a number for your character or just choose a number, I don't really care. Try to look at other comments just to try avoiding doubles. Otherwise, I'll just pick the next available number for your character.

You'll get a reply with your character's new profile. It's basically a template, please add on and expand it however you like. What's been put down is just a shell, it doesn't matter what you do with them.

Here is the template:

Name: The character's fake name. There will be two first names: (one male designated and one female, you can choose either one) and a last name.
Occupation: Their occupation (sometimes with a designated place attached. if none, make it up)
Personality Traits: A list of 4 to 6 personality traits.
Trope: A tvtrope page further explaining their personification.
Backstory: The character's backstory.
Special!: It seems the programmer that generated these stock characters added a little something extra into the imprint. It'll say here.
Trigger Word: The word that will start triggering your character's memories

May. 20th, 2011


permission post

sookie can read minds all edward like (except she doesn't use her gift for stalking purposes) so if it's okay for her to be able to hear your characters' thoughts let me know! she can't hear vampires' thoughts though so i guess that goes for other supernatural beings as well.

May. 14th, 2011


june arc info & signup



The arc itself will start as early as May 23rd, but only in environmental/weather changes. No actual arc events will take place until June 1st, and it will run through the end of June (and maybe into early July depending). The arc will center around Nym and the world they're in atm, so no crazy alternate worlds yet. That said, most of the plot events will require player participation; the more we have, the more interesting it will be, so please feel free to jump in at any point- even if you haven't been around for it since the start.

We'll post significant arc developments in the main community as the arc goes on. Since we all have craycray schedules, I've tried to center most of the player-involvement heavy events on weekends (Fri-Sun) so hopefully we will be able to get the most out of them.

There will be at least one real-time event in the arc. Once we near it, I'll let people know it's coming up, and we can try to schedule it for a certain time when everyone that wants to be involved is around.


The first event of the arc (June 3-5) will contain a game of IC maf. If you're interested in joining this, please leave a comment on the post so we can make sure to coordinate it with everyone's schedules.

Also, if you would like to volunteer your character to be kidnapped during the arc, you can IM me or kiwi. I'll provide you with some more details as to when and how it would happen. Keep in mind I can't tell you what it's for (SPOILERS), so volunteer at your own risk.


if you have any questions just talk to me or kiwi?!?!?

May. 6th, 2011




+ no rules.
+ also works in reverse.

Apr. 18th, 2011



Invidia was furious to find that her gifts to the gods had escaped. With only one sacrifice, her ritual was less than successful. She stood on the veranda and watched the moon fade away into a dense wall of clouds blocking out all the light from gracing the grotto of Nym. That night, Invidia sent out many of her guards to capture the escaped sacrifices. The gates to her palace closed, patched up any hole the ruffians tore through. Rumors spread that the nymph has lost her powers, but none can or will confirm. And now the little city of Nym stands by as the consequences of one mad woman's actions being to fester in the skies above.

We had one stinky mage sacrificed. Just one. This has angered the gods Invidia called to.

  • THE GODS ARE PISSED: At night, the escaped sacrifices will be pursued by strange creatures that crawl out from the ground - no they are not necessarily undead. they have sword arms. They will not show up if you are inside by nightfall, but they will follow you home if you aren't. They wont break into your house, but they'll scratch pitifully at the walls until sunrise. Unless provoked, these creatures will not pursue anyone not a sacrifice. If caught by these things, they will try to bleed you.

  • THE GODS ARE PISSED PART II: The moon is gone. The Ithacia is still. Over the course of the next week, thick clouds will obscure the sun, winds will brush clouds of spores from the Tree into the cave, and your food will taste gross and bland.

  • THE GODS ARE PISSED PART III: This will all wrap up to a climax of a mega electrical storm that will bring the city's statues to life. (This can be executed at any time from Friday(22) and onward..when/if you decide to storm Invidia's palace for some impromptu asskicking into a way of getting home)

  • If you participated in the opening event
    Congratulations! You've achieved the rank: High Class Fugitive!
    The perks of this rank includes: x1 fancy wanted poster, Objective: Avoid the Order of Hyle at all costs, Objective: Avoid the angry undead, and the status effect: Strange Looks from just about every noble and aristocrat in the city.
    The 2 lower districts and the outskirts are the least ventured by the noble ranks of the city, including Invidia. You should probably stay there until things die down.

  • If you didn't participate in the opening event
    Congratulations! You've achieved the rank: Desirable Refugee!
    The perks of this rank includes: Objective: Mind your own goddamn business or the Order of Hyle will snag your ass and the status effect: Strange Looks from just about every noble and aristocrat in the city.
    Even though you aren't fugitives, you aren't liked either. Invidia takes great interest in whomever arrives through the Temple of Coventina. Without having seen your face, you'll manage to sneak by living in the 3 lower districts of the city for now; however, the abundance of guards and friends of Invidia in the higher districts risk getting you thrown in the dungeon.

  • [info]coventina


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    Apr. 12th, 2011



    blood for the blood god


    Thursday, April 14th 10:00pm CST

    Saturday, April 16th 12:00pm CST

    Like many others, you surface in a large pool concealed in the Temple of Coventina groggy and disoriented. Before you get a grasp of your surroundings, you're seized by armored guards and rendered unconscious.

    A short while later, you arise in a damp dark cell next to someone else in the same unfortunate situation. Aside from clothes, your weapons are gone and your pockets are empty. If you have any abilities, you can sense there is a heavy magnetic force pressing down upon you, preventing you from using them.

    Two guards patrol your cell among many others. Questioning them reveals the ugly truth of the situation: You are not home. You're in a city called Nym and held captive by the city's leader, Invidia. Invidia's intentions for you are clear: you're a gift given to her to give to the gods, and your blood is to be spilled come saturday's lunar eclipse.

    Escape the dungeon before Saturday night, otherwise be sacrificed.

    SO YOU LOSERS DON'T GET OUT IN 5 SECONDS. Powers are disabled due to a heavy force from within Indivia's palace. Powers will return gradually to characters within 24 hours of leaving the palace.

    Invidia's Court: Map Here
    Only includes the first level. The stairways to get any higher up will be blocked. All entrances leaving the court will be guarded and locked...but IF YOU MUST, you can jump off the terrace or something. The red dot represents the area where the dungeon stairs empty into the palace. The Green dot represents where the barracks vault master key is as well as the sewer entrance key. If you want your weapons back, it is necessary you get the vault key.

    The Dungeon: Reference Here
    The cells run down a single hallway, adjacent to an open waterway that leads to the sewer gate - locked and either needs to be dismantled or the key can be found. The middle of the hallway is the area depicted. The room next to the stairs is where the guards are. There are 2 guards on duty.

    Red District Sewers: Map Here
    This is a part of the sewer system for the Red district and will lead to freedom.

    The stairs labeled to lava or mention lava literally lead to a deep underground lava it would be wise not to go there.

    Otherwise, the other mentioned exits can be used.

    Watch out for the pet squid. It'll try to eat you!

    It's required to cross the sewer water to get to the barracks.

    The Barracks:
    The Order of Hyle's barracks. Most of the guard is out, but brute force is necessary in order to get to the vault. Everyone's personal items are in the vault: this includes money, weapons, small pets, fake penises, etc. You can try breaking in, but it's really easier if you have the vault key (retrieved from the palace)


    Little Ammy + Nia Tyki + Narumi
    Hawke + Badou Anders + Lamp
    Fenris + Evangelyne
    Ammy + Kyubei
    Spike + Isabela Angel + Lindsey
    Arthur + Pearl Andy + Sophie-Anne

    Dec. 25th, 2010



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    Dec. 21st, 2010



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    Dec. 19th, 2010



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